Here are five "fossils", made from chocolate, such as "trilobite","ammonite", and so on.
They are replicas from the fossils registered at the Geological Museum of the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ), AIST. We are particular about their fidelity (natural size and shape with delicate ornamentation), explanation text (easy understanding on each fossil), and taste (using Belgian bitter chocolate). This is the edible "earth science", a new proposal by us. Please get our edible "fossils" at shops in the museums on earth science, and take them to your home together with some of history on the earth and life.
Supervisor on fossil and geoinformation : GSJ
Planner : NDC Graphics Inc.
Supervisor on chocolate : Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd.

A set of five "fossils"
with a brief explanation text
\1,890 (\1,800+5%-tax)
Package size : 25.5×7×3 cm(Net 90g)
Paleozoic trilobite and fern-like plant, Mesozoic ammonite and dinosaur tooth, Cenozoic gastropod.
